

I’ve been doing a lot of travelling around the north part of the island this past week for one reason and another. On Monday I drove across to Portree, the capital (also known as ‘The Village’) to run a few errands. The landscape is truly breathtaking; you get views across the sea in places, and in others the mountains loom in the distance, with their icing sugar dusting of snow. In between are acres of pine forests and scattered settlements of white houses with the occasional old stately pile hiding amongst the trees.

The colours are rich and glowing too. I’m sure it has something to do with the acidic soil - the moorland in places has a redness to it, and the beeches, birches and wild rose bushes edging the roads are bright with leaves of copper and gold.

But at Viewfield, one of the places I like to call in at for a little wander, the flowers and foliage are fading fast, and only ghosts remain. So I walked around with my camera, photographing things in various states of decomposition. Odd to some maybe, but I like to examine the structure of these things as they’re revealed. It was a cloudy day and some of the pictures are a bit too dark (I prefer them slightly underexposed anyway, but have been so busy that I haven’t had time to edit them and I really love editing).

Still. Autumn is fading too and winter is very nearly here. We have frost most mornings and that cold, dry air particular to this time of year. Soon the colours will all be gone but then we get to introduce some seasonal sparkle, so no feelings of wistfulness here…