Sarah S3 Comments

Changes and Changeability

Sarah S3 Comments
Changes and Changeability

I’ve got a lot to do, but I also wanted to write a blog post and share some recent pictures so: here we are.

I’m busy because we finally concluded missives (exchanged contracts in south of the border speak) on Friday, so we’ve been packing boxes all weekend. The house, worryingly, looks no more sparse than it did. It’s probably down to our packing things from rooms we don’t use anyway…

That’s what I keep telling myself.

We move on 5th December which is less than two weeks away, but we still have the keys for this place for another week after that so things shouldn’t get too desperate. We secured a flat in Portree, a holiday let owned by people Jay knows, and it’s ours until the end of March if we need it. Most of our things are going into storage close by so will still be accessible. And the cat can come with us. So everyone’s happy.

The flat’s great, too. It was built around 1950 - back when they were more thoughtful in terms of space and practicality - and makes up one of four in what looks from the outside like a semi detached house. We’re upstairs with views out across the harbour, but still have a garden. It’s just been redecorated and is warm and bright, and Joe’s room has two beds so he’s excited about that. We viewed it early one evening a week or so ago and it was nice to be in Portree with the shops all decorated for Christmas and the smell of fish and chips in the air (dangerous).

So other than packing and dealing with address change admin and trying to get ready for Christmas, life’s been ticking along as usual. The weather has been pretty awful: heavy rain and the usual howling wind whistling through the trees. I’ve managed a few walks but dodging the showers isn’t easy. You inevitably end up 20 minutes from home when the sky blackens and it’s as though someone somewhere has pulled a chain as the deluge suddenly drenches you.

It does make for interesting light and shadows. And yes, that photo above is of the delapidated greenhouse I’m obsessed with. I think I could cope with a project like this - one you don’t actually have to live in while you work on it.

We’re looking forward to Christmas. Joe won’t be in school for their Christmas dinner and party, but things are so scaled back this year I think we’ll be able to make up for it at home. We’ve been making Scandinavian paper stars and origami boats, and on Friday night there’s a Christmas shopping event where I work so we’ll be attending that. Then on Monday evening next week they’re revealing their window for the Living Advent Calendar in the village so we’re going along for hot chocolate and mulled wine.

We’re also heading to Fort William next month for our festive food shopping. I love Fort William; yes, there are some truly brutal 1960s buildings along the main street - and I say this as a fan of mid century architecture - but it just has a special feeling to it. Inverness can be a bit overwhelming for a day’s visit because we end up trying to dart between supermarkets and shops and DIY places then exhaustedly heading home before it gets too dark. But Fort William isn’t a big place.

It has mountains and sea lochs. The retail parks are still small, and the main street has some really nice bookshops and coffee places. You see a lot of people in mountaineering and walking clothes because of Ben Nevis (I’d prefer to take a cable car - I know my limits) and the little hospital specialises in dealing with the inevitable broken bones and twisted ankles. The waiting room looks like the sales floor of Cotswold Outdoor.

We don’t go to Fort William very often even though it’s about the same distance away as Inverness but the drive there is stunning. And M&S Food… Just saying.

Changing subject entirely: the prospect of homeschooling for a few months is a daunting one, and I say this as an ex teacher. But I think we’ll be OK. I packed away a lot of Joe’s books yesterday but kept a big boxful of those I think will be useful (mostly factual, but I’ve added some fiction too so we can read together). There’s a sideboard in the new place and I think I’ll use it as a little library and place for stationery etc.

He’s into science (I’m not) but is also very creative. So for Christmas I’m thinking a chemistry set - ties in with his Harry Potter thing - and a watercolour set with a proper pad and brushes. Also some Tin Tin books, more Harry Potter ones, Lego… and the ubiquitous Chocolate Orange, advent calendar and Lindt reindeer/Santa.

I’m working later this week, preparing for said Christmas events. I’ve told them I’ll be leaving soon due to the move and homeschooling. I really love my job there and it’s sad to be going but I can’t find a way around it. They’ve promised me a good reference… and no doubt we’ll be visiting often for cake and coffee. Their plan is to stay open all winter and will no doubt be a beacon of cosy hospitality during the quiet, dark months, especially for locals who may be feeling isolated due to the time of year and, of course, Covid restrictions.

And now it’s time to get our mail redirected and then pack more boxes. I’ll try and get back here when I can but in the meantime, thank you for all your lovely encouraging comments about the house. I feel like the main obstacle is out of the way - it’s a huge relief - but there’s still a lot to do. And that’s where coffee comes in!

Enjoy the pictures of the village and it’s ever-changing weather, and have a good week.