
It’s been almost three weeks since I was last here - time’s going fast. Spring’s on its way at last and we’re getting lots of nice days to go exploring the locality.

I sometimes go for a walk in the morning near Joe’s school once he’s safely dispatched. There are some great views from the village, out across the valley towards Stoodley Pike (and also down to the turning circle I have to use each morning and afternoon - the road towards the school has such a sharp hairpin bend from the main road that you’re not allowed to attempt it. You have to drive past, double back and climb the very steep, winding hill from a manageable angle).

Turning circle pictured below. Sorry, it isn’t really that interesting, is it?


If you walk along the path you can access ‘Hell Hole’ - an outcrop of big rocks with terrifying sheer drops on three sides. Joe doesn’t like me to get too close to the edge. To be fair, on a windy day standing on those rocks, your legs can feel a bit wobbly.


The horse is a youngster. It stands by the wall at school opening and closing, hoping for a snack. You walk through the next field and it takes about 45 minutes to do the circuit. There were two woodpeckers in the trees last week when I passed.


We went to view another house at the weekend - a cottage in Blackshaw Head. It was nice, but too small unfortunately. We’d gone along with an open mind, thinking we could extend out to the side and convert the garage but there were a few restrictions regarding parking allocations and the garden wasn’t big enough to pinch even a few feet from.

So the search continues (actually, we’re looking at another house this evening).


We went to Haworth too. I haven’t been for years, and it’s not far at all. I used to go with my brother when we were a lot younger and he’d not been driving very long. I don’t know why, it was just something we did. Lots of the shops are still closed and I’m itching to have a browse once we’re allowed. A few old favourites have gone - there seems to be an awful lot of new food and coffee places, like anywhere else - I suppose they’re the biggest money makers in touristy places.

But others remain, like Spooks (crystal balls and tarot cards) and the huge vintage clothes shop which is the ultimate Aladdin’s cave.


I haven’t set foot in the Bronte parsonage since I was studying Jane Eyre at A level. That was a school trip I’ll never forget - a group of us spent a few hours in The Fleece and some of the boys drank too much beer, later scaling the roof of the school minibus, and giving some passing ramblers a load of cheek. Our teachers were busy wandering the moors, losing themselves in the atmosphere, but said ramblers rang the school to complain and the following day we were all subjected to a major inquisition by the outraged headteacher. The whole thing was blown hugely out of proportion.

It seems so innocent compared to now. Not that I’m condoning the drinking or the sauciness ;)

I really want to visit the parsonage again though - alone. I can’t see it being the sort of place Jay or Joe would find very interesting.

There’s also a nice gift shop.

I’ve been busy putting together a timeline for the book I’m writing. It’s taken ages, and it’s quite intense. I don’t know whether it’s the change of season but I’m also feeling the urge to draw and paint. There’s a delivery of gouache paint on its way and I’ve just signed up for a short online course in illustration. Nothing too taxing, but I’m hoping it’ll inspire me and teach me a few new techniques.


I’m also looking forward to meeting up with friends outdoors soon. The Easter holidays start next week (I’m secretly stockpiling chocolate eggs for Joe) and I’m looking forward to a fortnight of fun stuff. No hastily-assembled packed lunches or fraught drives to school in the morning traffic.


Let’s hope it stays dry and, if we’re lucky, we even get some sunshine!