Little Stories of My Life

It’s weekend! I’ve had a busy week, mostly because I only had Thursday off, But Jay’s no longer Covid positive and he’s been back at work too (although he’s still not feeling great). So the usual balance has been more or less restored.

I just wanted to say thank you for all your comments on my previous post. I sometimes wonder who (if anyone!) is reading, so it wasn’t me being needy or anything. I genuinely question how people land here, considering I don’t ‘do’ promotion or any of that stuff. Just a quick mention on Instagram when a new post gets published and that’s about it. I did try, a while ago, to set up a newsletter but admittedly the whole tech aspect of it was too confusing and I abandoned the idea. I may revisit it.

But yes, thank you for getting in touch. It’s very much appreciated!

Jay was still unwell last weekend so our plans changed a bit. I took Joe across to Lancashire (Chorley), to my mum’s grave. It’s a bit of a journey but we stopped off at the garden centre and bought potted hyacinths and food for a picnic. It was sunny and quite warm, and the trip wasn’t too taxing.

We laid out the picnic blanket (it lives in the car boot) and ate our lunch alongside my mum - she’d have approved of these arrangements. She worked for the council for many years, visiting elderly people and helping them with their shopping and around the house, so much of her time was spent driving around the valley. She loved her job and always kept cutlery, condiments and napkins in the glove box for impromptu stops at the local bakeries.

It was good to go her grave and not cry, to be honest. To be out in the sun with our picnic, remembering happy times.

The little tradition we have is, on Mother’s Day weekend, we visit the cemetery then head off to Astley Park. It’s only a few minutes away by car and we go to the walled gardens and wander about. Every year so far the huge magnolia tree is in bud and I always lament its lack of blooms. But this time it was absolutely smothered in them, as were the other magnolias dotted about the grounds.

Hence the many pictures. Sorry.

I did a few in black and white too, but opted for the colour ones here.

There were a lot of people around. We went into a modern space above the cafe which I’m guessing is for events and community gatherings, and there was a ceramics exhibition by the Northern Potters Association. Joe got to make things with clay and we had a walk outside whilst his pot dried.

The kitchen gardens are my favourite part of the park. We always visit my mum’s grave in October too, for her birthday, and the apple trees are laden with fruit. It’s magical.

There were more magnolias too, Stellata this time.

Although so many people were milling around, it was quiet in this particular area and I appreciated it. I suppose there aren’t as many of us interested in kitchen gardens and I’m OK with that.

Also, Gardener’s World is back on TV for the year and this makes me happy…

So, a day well spent. Joe enjoyed himself and we had a nice time together. The drive home was slow going but we weren’t in a hurry.

Mother’s Day itself was uneventful. We sat out in the sun (in T shirts - it felt like June) and I received this book, which I’ve been after for ages, and it hasn’t disappointed. I can’t wait to get our own garden.

Indoors, it’s probably time to start feeding the houseplants again. The Oxalis triangularis has risen from the seemingly dead and my geraniums are in flower. I have a spindly rose-scented geranium which smells like Turkish delight and is scrambling down the side of the fridge.

I threw away a few ailing specimens some weeks ago but new cuttings have swelled the numbers of plants to over sixty in total. Maybe it’s time to ‘gift’ some.

You may or may not have noticed that the title of this post is yet again an Instagram hashtag. Life is busy. I have lots I’d like to do, but not the time. Does anyone else have this problem?

This is a brief run-down of (as an example) Wednesday:

  • Get up

  • Wash hair, get dressed, do makeup etc

  • Make Joe’s packed lunch

  • Throw coffee down neck in futile attempt to energise self

  • Clean Joe’s teeth, get him ready to leave the house

  • Drive to school (4 miles or so, we go at 8am as the traffic gets steadily worse after that because we travel through a valley bottom with lots of crossings, schools, etc)

  • Park near school and wait for 25 minutes until I can drop Joe off

  • Do our usual Wordle/Netflix combo

  • Receive yet another ‘urgent’ text regarding a disused bank account which requires action by 3.30pm (this particular situation has been stalking me for a while and never gets resolved)

  • Drop Joe off, drive back home again

  • Leave phone on speaker whilst attempting to contact said bank then PayPal (note: PayPal customer service is appalling so give up in exasperation)

  • Simultaneously make beds then breakfast whilst on phone to bank

  • Eat breakfast whilst packing own bag for work

  • Change into work clothes

  • Drive back into town

  • Park car facing uphill towards Joe’s school ready to collect him again later

  • Call in at Co op for something, can’t remember what

  • Buy a strong coffee from Mooch (more fuel)

  • Go to work. Busy. Finish early (I’m covering for an absent colleague and my boss comes in to take over mid afternoon)

  • Hot foot it to the car up said hill then drive up to school

  • Collect Joe. Listen to tales of woe

  • Drive home

  • Get Joe to do his homework

  • Do quick fridge inventory, plan meals for the week ahead

  • Write shopping list

  • Get evening meal

  • Head back out for petrol and the weekly food shop

  • Get home again. Jay puts the shopping away

  • He also runs Joe’s bath - I’m done in

  • Collapse in front of TV.

I’m really looking forward to the Easter holidays. One week to go until we can step off the hamster wheel!

Also: it snowed. After all that lovely hot weather, there was a complete turnaround and winter returned. This was one morning (Thursday) before school. Because it was my only day off, I was praying school wouldn’t be closed but the roads were fine and the boiler didn’t break down so off he went and I got a bit of headspace.

One good thing about arriving at school with time to spare is that we can have little micro-adventures. I sometimes take the camera.

I know some of you are curious to know what’s going on with the house.

I promise I’m not being secretive, I’m just one of those superstitious types who doesn’t want to tempt fate. Basically, the bank are now satisfied after we’ve provided seemingly endless reports and surveys. The seller has agreed to reduce the purchase price to allow for necessary repairs we’ll have to make. We’re at the stage where our solicitor conducts local searches then I think it’s probably drawing up contracts ready for exchange and, hopefully, completion.

It’s taken so long because the initial survey identified a few areas of concern and it’s been on us (Jay, actually) to get various professionals over and assess them, then provide reports and quotes. It’s a slow process, and some parties have required chasing.

But we’re getting there.

Then we have the fun of figuring out plans of work, getting trades in, sorting timetables etc.

So that’s the update. To be honest, I’m just living for the day we get the keys. It shouldn’t be too long now.

Next week should be a quieter one. Joe has an Easter event at his after school club on Friday (egg hunts, bonfire with toasted marshmallows etc). He chose this over the school disco and I’m not surprised. He much prefers the outdoors, given the option. Plus there looks to be a lot more food at the after school club.

We’re having a quiet weekend, too. No visiting or visitors. Just staying home and reading, maybe a film or two, tacos, pottering about.

This one took a while to put together, so I’m now off to switch the kettle on and and get dressed (woolly jumper and jeans, it’s chilly). I might take a cup of tea out into the garden and inspect the tulips and fritillaries.

Wishing you a restful weekend…