Sarah S4 Comments

Wild garlic collecting at Hebble Hole and Colden water

Sarah S4 Comments
Wild garlic collecting at Hebble Hole and Colden water

Hello, it’s Joe again and I go to to an after school club where we go on walks around Colden. Now on one of the walks, I saw wild garlic and knew I simply must tell my mum as she would love it. So we decided to go there.

Now some of the pictures you see here are ones that I took and some are mum’s. So off we went in the hot sunshine and gentle breeze with a picnic. Mmmmm, yummy. we went over winding paths (above) and dense woods to our destination.

We came to the banks of a river and crossed it via a bridge known as “the Clapper Bridge.” On the other side: lesser celandines! We found a catkin tree, one of natures wonders (below, right) and then the scent of wild garlic came to me…

We were there so we ate and then I scaled a huge hill and mined for iron. I found lots so I sat in the prayer hole (a hole in the rock).

And then I got some wild garlic and by some I mean lots and so we headed home. On the way home the weather was just as kind to us on the way there (honest)!

We made wild garlic pesto which was DELICIOUS so we had amazing pesto pasta. But the pesto was very strong.

At club more recently we went swimming in the river (oh how very dry I was afterwards) and I plan to do the same in summer.

Note: Joe wrote and typed this all by himself as well as providing lots of the photos and I’m super impressed!

S x