Sarah SComment

Exploring and collecting

Sarah SComment
Exploring and collecting

We have a lot of places to explore nearby. My favourite place to be is the by the sea so I can look for fish, crabs and birds like cormorants and herons.

We go into the woods too. I took this picture to get a mouse’s eye view of the fly agaric mushroom.

When the tide’s out at the loch it gets pretty slippery but I always manage to find something interesting to take home.

This telescope is good for spotting seals at the castle.

This is me in my den. We set it up in the garden and I make nature notes in my book.

We always find conkers in the autumn. There are different places we know about with horse chestnut trees so we visit them to check if the conkers are ready.

I love searching for things in rock pools too. I found two starfish at Glenbrittle this winter. There were lots of mussels on the rocks too.

These dragonfly skins and wings are very fragile. Daddy spotted them in the pond at the castle and we scooped them out.

I always wear wellies because I always end up wet (or muddy)!